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SOAR .....BE the Light

Weekly 1 hour Meditation and  Chat Room

We are Waking up and Connecting to our divine Sound our Authetic Resonance....If you feel as if your life is hovering ​between heaven and earth....​and need a bit of grounding while raising your frequencies ........join  Jan Cercone  for a weekly morning meditation based on the
The 3 Point Be the Light  Process Meditation 30 min

         1. Set a Sacred Space               2. Call in your guides                 3. Make an intention .

You will feel calmer, more hopeful and aligned as we make these important "shifts" in perceptions together.

Please join this free and uplifting guided meditation.....this section will be 30 minutes.

Then we have a CHAT for 30 min

inspiration, support and connection in the bigger circle

Your Host:  Jan Cercone RN, MA, CMP    Visionary Sound Specialist

and please do sign up for the mailing list for Sound and Light Healing Arts, home of Becoming Light

Sound and Light Healing


Simply upload the Zoom program at this link   then on Wednesday at 9am  :          Or, go to   and enter meeting ID: 706 108 984  


                 This library of Pre-Recorded Calls is FREE...enjoy!!

               if your would like a weekly email with an inspirational video.........

..join our Membership Circle.. sign in for the monthly membership here,

or listen free to the recordings   24/7


Listen in Anytime to any previous meditation


         Playback Number: (712) 432-0211 


Access Code: 478849#​     

 dial in topics by number, or just stay on the line for the last recording.

Listen to the Calls by Number


                      1. Be the Light Meditation, Your pre-natal contract                    2. Surrender to the Re-Calibration   

                       3. Feeling Comfortable in family Situations                                 4. Flowing with the Change

                       5. Manifest and step into the life of your dreams                        6. Riding the big waves of energy

                       7. Stepping into your Power                                                             8. Our Masculine Energies

                       9. Trusting Divine Timing                                                               10. Going up the Frequency Ladder

                      11. De-stress and Relax                                                                      13. Finding Inner Security

                      14. Bringing the Frequencies of Heaven Here                               15. Healing Your Heart

                      16. Voice Release for the Divine Feminine                                     17. Body Healing, Stomach de-stress

                      18. Change with Grace                                                                       21. Thanksgiving and Gratitude

                      22. Receiving the Holy Grail                                                             23. Daily Practicality and Vision

                      24. Releasing the Need to be Perfect                                               25. Christ Vibration, New Years

                      26. The Matrix of Creation                                                               27. Patience and Trust

                      28. Your Point of Attention                                                              30. Your Role in the Divine Plan

                      32. Connecting with Source…Go with the Flow                           33. Change..Making Peace with Change

                      34. Let go of Control, let your Will be aligned with Source         35. Releasing Old Habits 

                      36. I Am Whole Meditation (15minutes)                                         37. I am Calm in my Core

                      38. Staying in YOUR field, removing everyone else                      40. Release Fear, Mountaintop meditation

                      41. Forgiving Others for Being Themselves                                    42. Do Something New     (skip over call 43 please)

                      44. Focusing your Consciousness, Staying Present                      45. Begin Now....take the step and do the dream

                      46. Making Room for the New                                                         47. Letting go of Egoic Attachment

                      48. Your Physical Foundation to Hold Light                                 49. Staying Calm in the Chaos

                      50.  BE, Do, Have not Do, Have Be                                                  51.Be the Light Process. Descending light!

                      52. Meditation for our Federal Governernment                           53. Mindfulness

                      54. Deep Trust in your own Guidance                                            55. Staying the Course

                      56. Being the Light                                                                             59. Speaking Your Truth

                      61. Holidays and Family                                                                   62. Presence and Peace Meditation

                      63. Staying "present" on the Holidays and More                          65. Getting on a New Track!

                      66. Bringing Light to the Heart from Source                                67. Going for the Gold when there's too much Change!

                      70. Making Good Decisions from your Intuition                          71. Awake Meditation and using the Tools

                      72. Releasing Attachment                                                                 73. Letting go of Perfectionism

                      74. Beginners Mind...going with the Flow



























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Being Light...


yes...tell me more at this link!








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